Monday, March 3, 2008

Media Inventory

TV Telephone Cellular Phone Computer

Which family member Dad Mom Me Me
uses it the most?

Which family member Me Dad Mom Dad
uses it least?

Use is restricted? No No No No

Use is unrestricted? Yes Yes Yes Yes

Used for mostly Yes Yes Yes Yes

Used for mostly No No No No

Expensive to keep Yes No No Yes

Cheap to keep No Yes Yes No

List the names of your family members, and indicate which is their favourite media tool.
Mom - telephone, because she doesn't like to use the computer a lot.
Dad - TV, because he doesn't like talking on the phone and he doesn't understand computers that well.
Nicole - computer, because I'm always on it.

Which is your least favourite? Why?
My least favourite would be the TV. This is because I find TV really boring, and I do not like sitting for hours watching pointless shows.

Do children of different ages or sexes prefer different items? Why?
Yes, because toys are directed towards different ages of children. Also they are directed towards different sexes.
ie./ You would never see a commercial for Tonka trucks and there are girls playing with them.

Which items is used the most? Why?
Computer, because it has no limits on what you can do. If you have Internet.

Which item is used the least? Why?
Cell phone, because my parents only use it when they go out, and even then they hardly use it.

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